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European Rabbit

oryctolagus cuniculus


This adult rabbit was seen just further up the path from the Juvenile one hiding in the bushes, it was moving from one side of the path to the other eating all of the blossom leaves that had been blown from the trees. It was keeping one eye on me all of the time it was eating though jut in case i got too close.


seen in the woodland area of Potteric Carr, owned by the Yorkshire wildlife trust.

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Debbie Stewart
Debbie Stewart 11 years ago

Thanks sequoia spruce

Christy Chow
Christy Chow 11 years ago

Absolutely lovely.

Debbie Stewart
Spotted by
Debbie Stewart

Doncaster, England, United Kingdom

Spotted on May 22, 2013
Submitted on May 24, 2013

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