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Angle-lined Prominent Moth

Clostera inclusa


Family: Notodontiade (Prominents) A common moth that is tan/light brown, pale orange patch with some white lines and black spots. Fuzzy tail. Hairy head. Hosts: Aspen, poplar and willow. Total length: 17-19 mm (.75 inches long)


Mature woodlands, established gardens. Will visit light (found at porch light)


Possibly Sigmoid Prominent (Clostera albosigma) or Angle-Lined Prominent (Clostera inclusa)

1 Species ID Suggestions

Angle-lined Prominent
Clostera inclusa Clostera inclusa - BugGuide.Net

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Carol Snow Milne
Carol Snow Milne 11 years ago

That's because I have a sheep farm too. Get it Sergio? Moths like wool> HA! Well my moths like my finger. HA!

Sergio Monteiro
Sergio Monteiro 11 years ago

Nice photo, Carol, but tell the thruth, you have a moth farm, don't you?

Carol Snow Milne
Spotted by
Carol Snow Milne

Pennsylvania, USA

Spotted on May 8, 2013
Submitted on Jun 8, 2013

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