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Great blue heron (juveniles)

Ardea herodias


Two young shore birds predominantly blue-grey color with white area. Standing approximately 42 to 50 inches in height.


Large multi-genus rookery with Great blue heron, anhinga, wood stork and egret young located in a man-made "grey water" wildlife facility.

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Mick G
Mick G 10 years ago

@Ava T-B my ability to add to any mission seems to be gone. I find the Noah interface "glitch" and often have troubles with the mission portion. I would place it in several but cant. Sorry

Ava T-B
Ava T-B 10 years ago

Please consider adding this spotting to the Animal Architecture mission at

Mick G
Spotted by
Mick G

Delray Beach, Florida, USA

Spotted on Jun 9, 2013
Submitted on Jun 9, 2013

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