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Varied Bunting (female)

Passerina versicolor


Pretty sure this is a female or immature bunting of some sort. Doesn't seem green enough to be a painted bunting or lazuli bunting so I'm leaning more towards indigo bunting?


In a tree hanging over a spring fed pond in an otherwise desert-scrub area.

1 Species ID Suggestions

painted bunting
Passerina ciris

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Fyn Kynd
Fyn Kynd 10 years ago

Glad you got an ID.

AshleyT 10 years ago

Sorry Jamie, not a painted bunting. Like I mentioned in my description, this bird is way to dull to be a painted bunting. Got some experts to look at it and it's a varied bunting, one I had completely forgotten was in range. Thanks for your help though!

And be sure you are always adding links with your ID suggestions. You left me a link in a comment, but almost every ID suggestion I see of yours does not have an ID link. Many users won't go check to see if suggestions are correct, especially when there is no link, so this is a very important part of an ID suggestion. Thanks.

jamiewgoodspeed 10 years ago

I really think this is a immature painted bunting indigo buntings have much more detail heres a link to a immature painted bunting that looks similar.

Spotted by

Texas, USA

Spotted on May 4, 2014
Submitted on May 13, 2014

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