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Hummingbird clearwing moth

Hemaris thysbe


This is, without a doubt, the strangest moth I've encountered. Very difficult to photograph. Confused with a small hummingbird because of its fast flying nectar-feeding. Furthermore, you can tell apart H. thysbe from a lookalike species H. gracilis by thysbe's yellowish legs. What makes the third photo in the series special is that there are actually three arthropod species in it, if you look carefully. They're all pollinating the milkweed.


Found in a small clearing in temperate forest.


Seen in AK and the Northwest Territories south through BC to Oregon; east through the Great Plains and the Great Lakes area to ME and Newfoundland; south to FL and TX.

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mauna Kunzah
mauna Kunzah 10 years ago

Thank you, Dan! I can attest to that.

Dan Doucette
Dan Doucette 10 years ago

Great (multiple) spot! These guys are hard to photograph.

mauna Kunzah
Spotted by
mauna Kunzah

NYC, New York, USA

Spotted on Jul 7, 2013
Submitted on Aug 7, 2013

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