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Cicada Killer burrow

Sphecius speciosus


Large hole in sandy bank with pile of excavated soil below.


Greenbelt in housing development.


It is the immature, or larval, stage that feeds on the cicadas brought to the burrow by the adult female. After she finds and stings her cicada prey, she turns the victim on its back, straddles it, and drags it or glides with it to the burrow. One burrow may have several underground cells, each one provisioned with a paralyzed cicada (or two or three) and a single egg is laid before the cell is sealed off. This cicada will serve as a food source for the young as it develops. The typical development for a cicada killer is 10-11 months, with the offspring emerging next year.

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Denton, Texas, USA

Spotted on Aug 5, 2013
Submitted on Aug 8, 2013

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