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Red-Billed Quelea

Quelea quelea


Red-billed Quelea are small birds and average-sized weaver-finches. They grow to 11–13 cm (4.3-5.1 in) long and attain a weight of 15 to 20 g (0.5-0.7 oz). During the breeding stage, the adult male is distinguished by his more colorful plumage and red bill. Breeding plumage in male queleas is unusually variable: comprising a facial mask which ranges from black to white in color, and breast and crown plumage which varies from yellowish to bright red. For the rest of the year both males and fledged non-breeding birds have plumage that resembles that of the adult female, which is overall a cryptic beige and cream coloration. The female's bill is yellow during breeding, and red during the non-breeding season.


Rivine area


The Red-billed Quelea (Quelea quelea) is the world's most abundant wild bird species, with an estimated adult breeding population of 1.5 billion pairs

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Jared Hersch
Spotted by
Jared Hersch

Prince Albert Local Municipality, Western Cape, South Africa

Spotted on Mar 15, 2013
Submitted on Sep 15, 2013

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