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Orange Swift or Wood Swift Moth

Triodia sylvina


This species has a wingspan of 32-48 mm. The male has rich orange forewings with two white bars forming a "v" shape. The hindwings are dark brown. The female is similar but generally larger and less brightly coloured. It flies at night from June to September and is attracted to light. The larva feeds on the roots of various plants including bracken, dandelion, dock, hop and Viper's Bugloss. This species overwinters twice as a larva.


It is distributed throughout Europe.

1 Species ID Suggestions

Maniacval 10 years ago
Wood Swift Moth
Triodia sylvina Wood Swift Moth - Triodia sylvina - Overview

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Sant'Olcese, LIG, Italy

Spotted on Sep 14, 2013
Submitted on Sep 14, 2013

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