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Jumping Spider

Chalcotropis sp.


At first glance, I thought that this Jumping Spider was Menemerus bivittatus, but on looking through my camera's viewfinder, I saw the dark patch at the front of the carapace. That ruled out M. bivittatus and I new that I was looking at a spider I had not seen before.


This jumping spider was spotted in our front yard. It was struggling to climb out of a bucket of water, but its wet feet were slipping on the plastic and it just couldn't make it. So, I scooped it out with a finger and placed it on a nearby plant. When I came back a minute or two later, with my camera, it was back on the rim of the bucket, walking around in circles. Maybe it was spiders drink water?


I think that this Jumper is a Chalcotropis sp., based on photos published in by the well known photographer, Nicky Bay and I know that he is usually correct when he provides identification information. I tried to find identification info. in all the usual places, but no luck. Wikipedia lists ten Chalcotropis spp., four of which are present in the Philippines, but no pictures. has absolutely no photos or info. P.S. I should just mention that the spider in my photos looks rather "shiny". It was still wet from being in the bucket of water. I don't know, for sure, but it probably does not look shiny when completely dry.

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John B.
Spotted by
John B.

Spotted on May 15, 2024
Submitted on May 16, 2024

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