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Eastern Garter Snake

Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis


A small garter snake, perhaps around 18 inches (45 cm) to 24 inches (60 cm.) It moved extremely fast and glided through the leaf cover as if it was swimming. These snakes give birth to live young and are not dangerous to humans, but beneficial in that they eat many common creatures we see as pests.


They are very versatile and can be found from the wilderness to inner city parks and yards. This one was found beneath a layer of discarded carpet padding in a backyard, burrowed down in the leaves.


I try to only post spottings when I get clear, decent pictures, but this was a very exciting find for me and I wanted to share regardless.

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Matthew Hammond
Spotted by
Matthew Hammond

Conway, Arkansas, USA

Spotted on Sep 9, 2019
Submitted on Sep 15, 2019

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