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Spotted Orb Weaver

Neoscona crucifera


This lovely female spotted orb weaver was seen having a meal of what appears to be a bright yellow butterfly. Generally nocturnal -- they build their webs an the evening and take them down by dawn -- females like this one may become diurnal in the fall. She was still working her huge web in the afternoon. The upper surface of the abdomen is brown and hairy with subtle markings. The legs display alternating light and dark brown bands. The undersurface of the abdomen is black, with two white spots.


United States from Maine to Florida in the east, to Minnesota in the Midwest, to Arizona in the southwest, and in Mexico.


Spotted in a brushy area between a church and neighborhood.

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Kennesaw, Georgia, USA

Spotted on Oct 6, 2013
Submitted on Oct 25, 2013

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