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Eastern Yellow Robin

Eopsaltria australis


At 15 cm (6 in) in length, the Eastern Yellow Robin is one of the larger Australasian robins, and one of the most easily observed - the bird was quite happy to sit while I took photos.


Found along the East and South East of Australia. this one was photographed in my backyard as it watched me turn over the mulch.


This one was photographed in my backyard as it watched me turn over the mulch.

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Steve A
Steve A 12 years ago

@Ashish - can't say I recall the voice, I think it is the same "twittering" as the other robins

alicelongmartin 12 years ago

Robins are different all over the world!

Ashish Nimkar
Ashish Nimkar 12 years ago

How is voice of this bird..?
Its colour says voice must be nice...

Steve A
Spotted by
Steve A

New South Wales, Australia

Spotted on Mar 1, 2009
Submitted on Jul 8, 2011

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