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Glaucous-winged Gull

Larus glaucescens

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Darwin26 12 years ago

Howdy birdlady, i think the most salient point is the date of observation May. At best the mix up would be with a Mew Gull. Neither the Glaucus-winged or Glaucus Gull have Black in the Tail and this most certainly appears much darker than gray. The legs aren't in enuff light to be certain.

birdlady6000 12 years ago

I believe the breeding California Gull has yellow legs and extensive black in the primaries. I also suggest it's not possible to tell a male and female gull apart by appearance. I think the bird in his first picture which was originally included with this picture on the same spotting, is a California Gull, but not this one. That is the confusion here I think?

Darwin26 12 years ago

this is a Breeding Male CA Gull

Spotted by

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Spotted on May 18, 2008
Submitted on Oct 6, 2011

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