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Bagworm Moth

Unidentified Psychidae


Unidentified Psychidae. This kind of moth is very difficult to identify. Wikipedia explains that, because the "case" or "Bag" is always unique to each species, the best way to identify a Bagworm Moth is by its case. I have never been able to achieve that, but I take some comfort from the fact that even the experts in Philippine Lepidoptera seem to have the same problem as very few of their specimens have been identified to species level.


This Bagworm Moth was spotted this afternoon at 4:10 pm. in our backyard, on a Graviola Tree. The Philippine name for this tree is Guyabano.


These Bagworm Moths are all over our banana plants (and one or two other plants), at this time of year. So, I decided to see how many I could photograph in 30 minutes. The total came to 24.

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John B.
Spotted by
John B.

Palauig, Central Luzon, Philippines

Spotted on Aug 31, 2023
Submitted on Aug 31, 2023

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