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Wood avens

Geum urbanum


Geum urbanum is a perennial plant in the rose family, usually reaching a height between 20 and 60 cm The wood avens blooms between May and August, and its flowers are 1 - 2 cm in diameter, having five bright yellow petals. The hermaphrodite flowers are scented and pollinated by bees. The fruits have burrs, which are used for dispersal by getting caught in the fur of rabbits and other animals.


Geum urbanum grows in shady places in Europe and the Middle East. It can be found in woodlands, meadows and and near hedgerows, usually on good damp soils.


Spotted in Nieuwe Rande Forest in rural area of Deventer, Holland.

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Deventer, Overijssel, Netherlands

Spotted on Sep 15, 2014
Submitted on Sep 16, 2014

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