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Three-toed box turtle

Terrapene carolina triunguis


The carapace is relatively high and dome-shaped with a low keel running down the midline. The carapace is brown, but may have an indistinct pattern of yellow to orange lines and spots. An older individual may be patternless and have a pitted shell. The unpatterned plastron is tan to dark brown and has a hinge. In a male, the posterior part of the plastron is slightly concave. Some males have a great deal of red or orange coloration on the head. Normally, this turtle has only three toes on the hind foot, but occasionally it has four toes. The hind feet are rather stumpy and not webbed. The male occasionally has red eyes, whereas a female has yellow or brown eyes. (taken from "A Field Guide to Oklahoma Amphibians and Reptiles")


Wooded areas and thickets

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alicelongmartin 12 years ago


Aaron_G 12 years ago

Thanks, all. This was definitely among the most colorful turtles I've ever found.

Leuba Ridgway
Leuba Ridgway 12 years ago

great spotting ! -good to see a turtle with so much colour..

victor_hugo_orellana 12 years ago

Very nice! Thank you.

Atul 12 years ago


Spotted by

Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

Spotted on Jul 3, 2010
Submitted on Feb 11, 2012

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