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Dewdrop Spider

Argyrodes nephilae


Spider found in a Golden Orb-weavers web. Has silver dome shaped abdomen. Very tiny spider. No clue what the ID is on this one.

1 Species ID Suggestions

Aaron_G 12 years ago
Dewdrop spider
Argyrodes nephilae Species Argyrodes nephilae - BugGuide.Net

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Aaron_G 12 years ago

I seriously think that's at least half the fun of this project - understanding nature better. You sound like you're definitely getting a lot out of being here. I know I am! :-)

TanyaGuiler 12 years ago

I love to photograph natural history to document it, but I feel I am failing in some way if I do not at least try to understand it better in the process. Thank you for helping me along my journey of understanding.

Aaron_G 12 years ago

You're quite welcome. I researched this one a few years ago when I found one in the web of an Argiope aurantia.

Here's some text from _Spiders of the Eastern United States_: "Argyrodes nephilae is often found at the periphery of the webs of large spiders as that of the golden silk spider, Nephila clavipes. It lives there most of the time as a commensal. It is too tiny for its host to be interested in it as a food source. And, A. nephilae does its host no harm. However, tiny insects often get trapped in the host's web and may be devoured by A. nephilae. Thus, some might argue that A. nephilae spends part of its existence in its host web as a kleptoparasite, stealing the food of its host. However, 'kleptoparasite' is most likely not an accurate description as this tiny spider does no harm to its larger host and the food that it 'steals' is too tiny for the host to eat. A. nephilae can also live an independent life and can spin a Theridion-like web among the branches of shrubs (Comstock, 1912)."

(note: Theridion is a genus in the Family Theridiiadae, of which Argyrodes nephilae also belongs)

TanyaGuiler 12 years ago

Thank You for the ID Goody!

Spotted by

Davie, Florida, USA

Spotted on Mar 15, 2012
Submitted on Mar 15, 2012

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