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21 year old naturalist and hobby photographer. Colorado born. Part Native American. Always seeking an adventure.

Fort Collins, Colorado

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EmilyMarino CindyBinghamKeiser AliceGreenup Cameron Young-CSC Snake
Wesley Oosthuizen nkskyshn Vipul Ramanuj Irene Connelly
AustinH. American Pika
American Pika commented on by AustinH. Colorado, USA9 years ago

I'm afraid not dear :( Summer time only. Not only do they hibernate, but the areas they live in are inaccessible with huge amounts of snow. I know I would of really wanted you to see one haha they are ADORABLE

AustinH. Roseate Spoonbill
Roseate Spoonbill commented on by AustinH. Corpus Christi, Texas, USA9 years ago

Yeah they're super cool. Haha exactly!

AustinH. Tree Swallow
Tree Swallow commented on by AustinH. Port Aransas, Texas, USA9 years ago

That's so awesome! Neat to hear! Yeah totally...they're gorgeous under sunlight. What no way! That is incredible!

AustinH. Roseate Spoonbill
Roseate Spoonbill commented on by AustinH. Corpus Christi, Texas, USA9 years ago

Gotcha haha. That's pretty neat. I'm not counting on seeing them, but if we do with all those other awesome waders that would be lifers for me down there, that would REALLY make things cool haha

AustinH. Tree Swallow
Tree Swallow commented on by AustinH. Port Aransas, Texas, USA9 years ago

Good shots considering how tough they are to photograph. I could only dream of seeing any Swallow in winter where I live hahaha. Probably the same where you live too I'm sure. :)

AustinH. Roseate Spoonbill
Roseate Spoonbill commented on by AustinH. Corpus Christi, Texas, USA9 years ago

Okay good haha. Yeah I looked at eBird reports for Wood Storks for the valley and April seemed to be a pretty good month since they only migrate through there. Interesting that it isn't until July in east Texas.

AustinH. Roseate Spoonbill
Roseate Spoonbill commented on by AustinH. Corpus Christi, Texas, USA9 years ago

Neat! Great find. This is a bird I'm looking forward to seeing in the valley...if I do see one haha. I hear Wood Storks are possible too when I'm down there...they only migrate through the valley, but we'll be there at a good time of year. :)

AustinH. Royal Tern
Royal Tern commented on by AustinH. Corpus Christi, Texas, USA9 years ago


AustinH. Greater Scaup
Greater Scaup commented on by AustinH. Corpus Christi, Texas, USA9 years ago

Great looking shot! Handsome Scaup!

AustinH. Vermilion Flycatcher
Vermilion Flycatcher commented on by AustinH. Corpus Christi, Texas, USA9 years ago

Yay! Awesome. :) Can't wait haha

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