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Gray Catbird

Dumetella carolinensis


I witnessed a Gray Catbird eating an orange from my feeder. I learned today that Gray Catbirds are frugivores, and just what a frugivore is. Which led me to doing a little more research on how the avian species that are frugivores disperse seeds by either regurgitation or their excrement, and just how that effects the possible growth of seeds.

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alicelongmartin 12 years ago

Thanks for teaching me a new word today! Also it is nice to see the red patch under the tail in a picture! I guess you know that we never really know in Florida when they leave on their migration North. They do it in the night and have mystified scientists for awhile. When mine come home again I will put out some fruit!

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 12 years ago

awesome David!

KarenL 12 years ago

Nice action photo & interesting info!

Spotted by

Illinois, USA

Spotted on May 6, 2012
Submitted on May 7, 2012

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