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Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake - hatchling

Crotalus adamanteus


A brand-new Eastern Diamondback Rattler! Maybe 12" long. Just a tiny wee "button" of a rattle.


Oak scrubland, Deltona, Florida. (I don't know why the map keep saying "DeBary" when I type "Deltona" . )


This little guy seemed more interested in basking than in us, fortunately. They are born "fully loaded" with adult-strength venom. Yikes. But isn't he pretty?!? This species is being considered as a federally endangered species. Only a small % of the historical population remains. Main causes for its trouble is loss of the open Long-leaf Pine forests, and prejudicial hunting and sport hunting. They are not agressive unless you threaten them. This fellow let one naturalist get within 8" of it's nose to take a picture. (I don't recommend that, however...... yikes yikes, yikes!)

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1 Comment

NuwanChathuranga 11 years ago

he is pretty :)

Spotted by

Deltona, Florida, USA

Spotted on Sep 21, 2012
Submitted on Sep 21, 2012

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