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S Ground Hornbill

Bucorvus leadbeateri


The southern ground hornbill is characterized by black coloration and vivid red patches of bare skin on the face and throat (yellow in juvenile birds), which are generally believed to keep dust out of the birds eyes while they forage during the dry season. The white tips of the wings (primary feathers) seen in flight are another diagnostic characteristic. The beak is black and straight and presents a casque, more developed in males. Female southern ground hornbills are smaller and have violet-blue skin on their throats. Juveniles to six years old lack the prominent red pouch, but have a duller patch of grey in its place.


We spent 3 days in this locatioin and the early morning booming/drumming calls of these birds was a terat

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Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe

Spotted on Jan 1, 2014
Submitted on May 11, 2015

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