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Golden-tailed Woodpecker

Campethera abingoni


Roughly the size of the starling, this female Golden-tailed woodpecker presents her olive green gold sprinkled back; and her white black sprayed underparts, her bright red nape and golden tail. Male (not seen) would have red mustaches.


Seen in a 'thicket' habitat - dry-land broad-leaved forest, trees not exceeding 10m in height, with densely packed branches all tangled together, in some places impenetrable... and at the outskirts of the town of Khorixas, north-western Namibia.


This spotting is a pearl in my recently-started-but-steadily-growing Namibia collection - first, it's a lifer for me; and then, it is also a first African woodpecker in my twenty years of roaming around. It was also product of a hazard, I was after some Red-faced mousebirds, and was trying to move forward in a very slow motion... when I had a chance to spot this lady, five meters from me, not alarmed at all (I must have been good in my slow motion) feeding on trunks of acacia trees.

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1 Comment

Tukup 4 years ago

Congratulations on your "firsts." That's always a good feeling. Thanks for sharing this incredible bird Zlatan.

Zlatan Celebic
Spotted by
Zlatan Celebic

Kunene Region, Namibia

Spotted on Feb 20, 2020
Submitted on Feb 21, 2020

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