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Black Swallowtail Butterfly

Papilio polyxenes


This male Papilio emerged today, practically the first day of spring. The pupa was found on a short cement wall next to the curb of a street in town on 12 February 2014. It was attached vertically by it's silk safety harness. This was cut to remove the pupa from the wall and the silk line is still visible on the pupa (4th an 5th pictures, taken on 12 Feb 2014). We removed the pupa to see what it would become and also because it was in a very insecure place for its survival.


Urban area, San Cristobal de Las Casas, 2,200 meters.


This species is very well-studied and has an interesting biology and a mating system based on Lek behavior (males emerging early and forming mating groups in Lek sites which they protect and to which females visit in order to choose a mate). Females are distinct in coloring. See the reference site for more information and pictures of the larvae, pupae and adults of both sexes.

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Chiapas, Mexico

Spotted on Mar 19, 2014
Submitted on Mar 20, 2014

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