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Black-crowned Night Heron

Nycticorax nycticorax


The black-crowned night heron is 23-28 inches tall. It has a wingspan of almost four feet. It is a medium-sized heron with a stocky body and short legs and neck. It has a black crown and back, gray wings and a white underside. Adults have red eyes and yellow legs and feet. In breeding season adults have two long white plumes on their heads. Females and males look alike, but females are a little smaller. Immature night herons have a gray-brown head, chest, and belly streaked with white. Their eyes are yellow and they have gray legs. Black-crowned night herons don't have adult plumage until they are about three years old.


Dana Point Marina

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Dana Point, California, USA

Spotted on May 27, 2013
Submitted on Jun 9, 2013

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