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Black-necked Grebe; Zampullín Cuellinegro

Podiceps nigricollis


I was trying to photograph these from a crowded hide and with swaying reeds in the way, upsetting the focus. Just as I got it right in pic 3 a Common Tern flew by!


Coastal marshes

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There are at least a dozen species nesting on this lagoon alone and they all seem to get on fairly well most of the time. The tiny plovers defend their small nesting area against the Common Terns which surround them and I have see a Stilt attack and kill a Plover chick. Gulls and terns often mix together and it is often possible to see 3 or 4 species nesting in close proximity. Check out this one

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 10 years ago

We have the pied bill grebe and the caspian tern hanging around around in the lake. Maybe the grebe and terns have an understanding
The grebes , I found are very social and vocal and are all over the lake. The babies are constantly Peep. Peeping and hungry. The minute they see their mom they pounce on her for food. Today I saw a grebe in the company of Mallards.

Sagunto/Sagunt, Comunitat Valenciana, Spain

Spotted on May 12, 2013
Submitted on Jul 3, 2013

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