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African common white

Belenois creona severina


African Common White is a butterfly in the family Pieridae.The series shows different female specimen during dry seson (during wet season they are more yellow). (photo no. 5 also shows an other species in bright yellow, the Common Dotted Border)


High altitude mixed woodland (prim. Acasia bushes) and grassland. This was found on plants next to a gravel road.


Place for the spotting: Mlawula Nature Reserve, Swaziland.

Species ID Suggestions

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AshleyT 10 years ago

KateBraun, please stop making ID suggestions when the spotting is already ID with exactly what you are suggesting. The "suggest an ID" box is for unknown spottings or you think the ID is different than what they have listed. Thanks.

Tiz 10 years ago

It was just a lucky weekend, almost all of them were at the same nature reserve. It gets a little bit overwhelming when I dont know one single common name of what I see. But thanks to PN that is all history now :)
Thank you for your comment dear

injica 10 years ago

Beautiful :) You are always seeing so many of them together!

Spotted by

Mbabane, Sifundza seHhohho, Swaziland

Spotted on Jul 14, 2013
Submitted on Jul 21, 2013

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