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Banded Tussock Moth

Halysidota tessellaris


Family: Erebidae, Subfamily: Arctinnae, Tribe: Arctiini (Tiger Moths) Also called Pale Tiger Moth. Common. Total length: 20-28 mm. Wingspan: 44-51 mm. Pale tan FW has irregular pattern of slightly darker, black-edged bands. Thorax has turquoise and yellow dorsal stripes. Abdomen is bright yellow and very thick and fuzzy. Hosts: Deciduous trees and shrubs including alder, ash, birch, elm, oak and willow.


Woodlands, fields and gardens. Comes to light readily.


One of the most common moths I have seen this season along with numerous Rosy Maple Moths.

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Carol Snow Milne
Spotted by
Carol Snow Milne

penna, USA

Spotted on Jul 12, 2013
Submitted on Jul 21, 2013

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