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White Tiger (butterfly)

Danaus melanippus


Danaus melanippus, commonly known as the Black Veined Tiger or White Tiger, is a butterfly species found in tropical Asia which belongs to the "Crows and Tigers", that is, the danaine group of the Brush-footed butterflies family. It ranges from Assam in eastern India[verification needed] through Southeast Asia south to Indonesia, and eastwards to the Philippines and through southern China to Taiwan (Evans 1932, Smith et al. 2005). It has around 15 (13-18, according to author) subspecies, and its closest relative is the Malay Tiger, Danaus affinis (Smith et al. 2005).


spotted this butterfly along the trail on my ascent to Mt. Banoi, Lobo Batangas in the Philippines.

1 Species ID Suggestions

bayucca 10 years ago
White Tiger or Black-veined Tiger
Danaus melanippus Danaus melanippus

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AgnesAdiqueTalavera 10 years ago

Hi Franz, pls join us at the Butterflies in the Philippines mission - Hope to see your spottings in there! Regards!!

wow! thanks sir bayucca! I don't know anything about butterflies, I tried researching myself but gave up after a couple of hours. I can't seem to nail it. Thank you so much for this! I appreciate it :)

bayucca 10 years ago

Nymphalidae, Danainae, Danaus sp. and should be Danaus melanippus. Might be Danaus melanippus edmondii.

Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines

Spotted on Nov 24, 2013
Submitted on May 29, 2014

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