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Tiny casemoth

Family: Psychidae


A casemoth or bagworm about 16mm long overall. Case appeared to be partially cross-parallel cut sticks. White pieces unknown source.


Attached to a painted fence post in suburban Sydney.


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Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 10 years ago

I'm not too sure yet Martin. It appeared overnight and when I tried to find it the next day it was gone. It's possible someone just knocked it off though. It was a fairly busy traffic area.

MartinL 10 years ago

There appears to be a pupal exuvia at the anterior end. I suspect this was a male, but he's gone. I had one contained once, and captured the moth.

Mark Ridgway
Spotted by
Mark Ridgway

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Spotted on Aug 12, 2013
Submitted on Aug 22, 2013

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