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Katy Prairie - Wild + Wonderful

Katy Prairie - Wild + Wonderful

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Katy Prairie - Wild + Wonderful
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Website 10 participants 27 spottings

The Katy Prairie, located just west of Houston, is a biological wonderland. With over 300 species of birds visiting a some time throughout the year, bobcats, gophers and other charismatic mammals, innumerable species of insects, and a bevy of frogs, toads, and snakes the Katy Prairie is a great place to spot wildlife. Help us at the Conservancy track and pinpoint wildlife on the prairie whenever you are riding a bike, coming out to a program, enjoying some down time at a private home, or whatever brings you out to the prairie. This is also a great way for you to get things identified.

Katy Prairie - Wild + Wonderful

Lat: 29.91 Long: -95.95

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KathyBreardPratt katyprairiecon gina2 AmyBickhamBaird
matthew.s.abernathy LAN KenGroue PhyllisFrank
LaurieBaker ignavas09
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