Wildlife at Hueston Woods
Help document the location of wildlife species at Hueston Woods State Park. By uploading photos of wildlife you see around the park, you will help us create a map of the areas where the most species diversity is located.
Visit Hueston Woods State Park and select any area you prefer. Snap photos of wildlife and upload to Wildlife at Hueston Woods Mission on Project Noah. You may collect fungi, plant, flower and tree data as well.
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16 participants
129 spottings
The purpose of using project noah is to have park visitors document what species of animals (insects, mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, amphibians) they encounter at different areas of the park. Many visitors often ask park staff where certain animals can be seen and when. With Project Noah, we can now offer a map and recommend areas for best viewing. They map may also highlight areas where animals are not seen, which could also provide valuable information.
This project is headed by Naturalist Amanda Dalton, who is a Graduate student with Miami University's Project Dragonfly program. This project will help visitors of Hueston Woods understand the vast diversity of wildlife that can be encountered while visiting this State Park.