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Mission: Mitigation

Mission: Mitigation

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Mission: Mitigation
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The New York Department of Transportation (DOT) will be constructing Stringham Road through a part of the wetlands to the south of Arlington High School. This will incidentally take the lives of inhabiting animals, including endangered Blanding’s turtles and Indiana Bats. They have proposed enhancement measures including the construction of tunnels for turtles to transverse to the other side of the road safely, the clearing of 1.9 acres of land to create more suitable nesting grounds, and the planting of grass that is preferable for nesting. No one is currently studying the Stringham Road turtle population. Other species that will be affected by the construction, such as Indiana Bats, are not accounted for. Through Project Noah, we hope to catalogue the biodiversity of the affected area.

Mission: Mitigation

Lat: 41.67 Long: -73.80

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