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Butterflies of Kerala

Butterflies of Kerala

This is a mission to document the Butterflies seen in the Kerala,India. They may be endemic, native, or introduced species. Please include only spottings of butterflies and their caterpillars or chrysalis taken anywhere in Kerala . Sign in to join mission

Butterflies of Kerala
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31 participants 216 spottings

User must upload pictures taken only by them . Please avoid uploading any other's picture.

Butterflies of Kerala

Lat: 10.12 Long: 75.79

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Saturniidae27 Nasim N Subin Ornithoptera80
Raksha sureshmagnolia RishiManuPhotography Sushil Thomas David
Nidhin Basheer RishiManu namitha sunnyjosef
EarlyStages PrakashPB DHYANA pavals207
glakshmip2001 sahaatraye Anakha
samira.goth1 Yamini Akash3 eldho
YOHUNTER007 Benedict2 Mahesh R Mahesh R
BaburajVelayudhan MayaVinod bibinca
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