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Trees Of South India

Trees Of South India

Woody trees, fruit trees, palms, and any other perennial plant which grows considerably and are not small herbs and shrubs can be included in this collection. The trees need not be indigenous, but if you identify any of them as exotic please do tag them "exotic" Happy Spotting:) Sign in to join mission

Trees Of South India
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16 participants 401 spottings

This mission is to record the rich diversity of trees seen in South India. Hope it would be amazing to see how many tree species we finally get in this mission.

Trees Of South India

Lat: 11.94 Long: 77.49

Recent Spottings

Kavilippa Joseph CHIEF REDEARTH 4 0 Kavilippa
Ixora coccinea Sushil Thomas David 0 1 Ixora coccinea
Spotting Sushil Thomas David 1 0 Spotting
Spotting Sushil Thomas David 0 0 Spotting
Chemmaram, Pithraj Tree namitha 1 0 Chemmaram, Pithraj Tree
Calabash Tree, Beggar’s Bow namitha 1 0 Calabash Tree, Beggar’s Bow
Chmapakam, Golden Champa namitha 1 0 Chmapakam, Golden Champa
Spotting ChiefRedEarth 1 0 Spotting
Spotting ChiefRedEarth 1 0 Spotting
Rangoon Creeper Sushil Thomas David 0 0 Rangoon Creeper
Lily Sushil Thomas David 1 1 Lily
Dianthus Sushil Thomas David 1 1 Dianthus
Carnation of India Sushil Thomas David 0 0 Carnation of India
Spotting Joseph CHIEF REDEARTH 4 0 Spotting
Spotting Sushil Thomas 1 1 Spotting
Spotting Sushil Thomas 1 0 Spotting
Spotting Sushil Thomas 1 0 Spotting
Spotting Sushil Thomas 1 1 Spotting
Spotting Sushil Thomas 1 2 Spotting
Spotting Sushil Thomas 1 1 Spotting
Spotting Sushil Thomas 0 0 Spotting
Crêpe ginger Rahul Upadhyay 2 2 Crêpe ginger
Kadam Joseph CHIEF REDEARTH 3 2 Kadam
Slow match tree, Wild guava, Kumbi, Patana oak Joseph CHIEF REDEARTH 1 0 Slow match tree, Wild guava, Kumbi, Patana oak
Spotting Joseph CHIEF REDEARTH 1 1 Spotting
Spotting Joseph CHIEF REDEARTH 1 0 Spotting
Spotting Joseph CHIEF REDEARTH 1 0 Spotting
Spotting Joseph CHIEF REDEARTH 1 0 Spotting
Moottikkaa (Baccaurea) Rahul Upadhyay 1 0 Moottikkaa (Baccaurea)
lebbeck, lebbek tree, flea tree, frywood, koko and woman's tongues tree Joseph CHIEF REDEARTH 2 0 lebbeck, lebbek tree, flea tree, frywood, koko and woman's tongues tree
Spotting Joseph CHIEF REDEARTH 2 0 Spotting
Spotting Joseph CHIEF REDEARTH 1 0 Spotting
Spotting Joseph CHIEF REDEARTH 1 0 Spotting
Spotting Joseph CHIEF REDEARTH 1 1 Spotting
Spotting Joseph CHIEF REDEARTH 2 2 Spotting
Spotting Joseph CHIEF REDEARTH 2 0 Spotting
Spotting Joseph CHIEF REDEARTH 1 0 Spotting
Spotting Joseph CHIEF REDEARTH 1 0 Spotting
Spotting Joseph CHIEF REDEARTH 1 1 Spotting
Spotting Joseph CHIEF REDEARTH 1 0 Spotting
Spotting Joseph CHIEF REDEARTH 2 0 Spotting
Spotting Joseph CHIEF REDEARTH 1 0 Spotting
Spotting Joseph CHIEF REDEARTH 0 0 Spotting
Spotting Joseph CHIEF REDEARTH 0 0 Spotting
Spotting Joseph CHIEF REDEARTH 1 3 Spotting
Spotting Joseph CHIEF REDEARTH 1 0 Spotting
Spotting Joseph CHIEF REDEARTH 1 0 Spotting
Spotting Joseph CHIEF REDEARTH 0 0 Spotting
Spotting Joseph CHIEF REDEARTH 1 0 Spotting
Spotting Joseph CHIEF REDEARTH 3 1 Spotting

Recently joined

Saturniidae27 RishiManuPhotography AmolPandit Sushil Thomas David
RishiManu Rahul Upadhyay rhonabloxsom AyaanKhan
Neena Lenin Joseph CHIEF REDEARTH namitha Kiranmayee
dhipinsanjith1 Cristiano Richers Anupama SomChand
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