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Biodiversity in Germany

Biodiversity in Germany

To show the diversity in Germany's nature - no captive animals or garden plants please Sign in to join mission

Biodiversity in Germany
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52 participants 1,851 spottings

All things in the natural world are welcome

Biodiversity in Germany

Lat: 50.72 Long: 10.54

Recent Spottings

Spotting Jopy 2 1 Spotting
Spotting Jopy 2 1 Spotting
Spotting Jopy 2 1 Spotting
Wood Warbler Jopy 1 0 Wood Warbler
Unnamed spotting Claudio Marques 3 2 Unnamed spotting
Eurasian Coot, Blässhuhn Jopy 3 1 Eurasian Coot, Blässhuhn
European peacock, Tagphauenauge Jopy 8 4 European peacock, Tagphauenauge
Spotted Flycatcher, Grauschnäpper Jopy 5 3 Spotted Flycatcher, Grauschnäpper
Topf-Teuerling Jopy 3 0 Topf-Teuerling
Garça-Real-Europeia Claudio Marques 2 0 Garça-Real-Europeia
Coelho Bravo Claudio Marques 1 0 Coelho Bravo
Peneireiro-Vulgar Claudio Marques 2 0 Peneireiro-Vulgar
Spotting Claudio Marques 1 0 Spotting
Alvéola-Branca Claudio Marques 0 0 Alvéola-Branca
Cisne-Mudo Claudio Marques 0 0 Cisne-Mudo
Libelinha Caloptérix-Azul Claudio Marques 1 0 Libelinha Caloptérix-Azul
Spotting Claudio Marques 1 0 Spotting
Cogumelo-Galinha-do-Bosque Claudio Marques 2 0 Cogumelo-Galinha-do-Bosque
Vespa Europeia Claudio Marques 1 0 Vespa Europeia
Grande-Grilo-Verde Claudio Marques 0 0 Grande-Grilo-Verde
Black Bird, Amsel Jopy 2 1 Black Bird, Amsel
Rostgans, Ruddy shelduck Jopy 1 1 Rostgans, Ruddy shelduck
Pica-pau-malhado (♀) Cláudio Marques 2 1 Pica-pau-malhado (♀)
Common buzzard Jopy 1 0 Common buzzard
Cotton thistle, Eseldistel Jopy 4 1 Cotton thistle, Eseldistel
Kestrel Jopy 5 0 Kestrel
Tufted duck, Reiherente Jopy 1 2 Tufted duck, Reiherente
Wood Warbler Jopy 0 0 Wood Warbler
Stieglitz, European Goldfinch Jopy 0 0 Stieglitz, European Goldfinch
Common house martin Jopy 2 1 Common house martin
Grünfink, European greenfinch Jopy 4 2 Grünfink, European greenfinch
Tufted duck Jopy 2 0 Tufted duck
Black-tailed Skimmer Jopy 3 1 Black-tailed Skimmer
Brown rat Jopy 8 1 Brown rat
Pearly heath, Weißbindiges Wiesenvögelchen Jopy 2 0 Pearly heath, Weißbindiges Wiesenvögelchen
Southern Darter, Südliche Heidelibelle Jopy 2 2 Southern Darter, Südliche Heidelibelle
Red kite, Rotmilan Jopy 3 3 Red kite, Rotmilan
Eurasian wren Jopy 1 0 Eurasian wren
Common Blackbird tmvdh 6 0 Common Blackbird
Nutria Jopy 8 3 Nutria
Red squirrel, Eichhörnchen Jopy 9 2 Red squirrel, Eichhörnchen
Small Heath, Kleines Wiesenvögelchen Jopy 4 0 Small Heath, Kleines Wiesenvögelchen
Marbled white mating Jopy 4 3 Marbled white mating
Spotting Jopy 3 2 Spotting
Beautiful Demoiselle tmvdh 9 1 Beautiful Demoiselle
Common merganser, Gänsesäger Jopy 0 1 Common merganser, Gänsesäger
Eurasian siskin, Erlenzeisig Jopy 2 0 Eurasian siskin, Erlenzeisig
Rose Hip Fly tmvdh 3 0 Rose Hip Fly
Yellowhammer, Goldammer Jopy 0 0 Yellowhammer, Goldammer
Fly orchid Jopy 3 0 Fly orchid

Recently joined

Claudio Marques Tania17 Ray Perry George.Skeparnias
BrunoMoller Hannah Davis Jopy Xinxin
MarcTe Ursula Fricke injica Jeannette
schokocognac Christiane SonntagJanet StefanieTielke
Simone E. MartinGogol Teacupfairy TobiasSchueler
AnnaRichterich LeroyCarter SophieTillack words.through.wires
HannesAnders AndreasAigner Strainhunter84 tmvdh
JuliaGünster NancyRoestel ArthurTiutenko LarsKorb
Dag Wixforth EvaH udolfoo EsEverde
ChristopherSpiegel Degudame Palaimon NicoleB
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