A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
A female Gorse Orbweaver spider (Agalenatea redii), spotted while feeding on an ...
Wildflower of the linum species, spotted at Houghton Bay, Wellington NZ.
A red cicada (Tibicina haematodes) spotted near Katarraktis village, Epirus ...
A beautiful blue & black spotted butterfly, at "Butterfly World", Changi ...
Spotted bloomed in an olive grove, Nea Dimitriada, Volos city, Greece.
Spotted at the Oamaru public gardens, New Zealand.
Spotted at Travis reserve, Christchurch NZ.
Giant bladder kelps floating at Corsair bay, Lyttleton, New Zealand.
Α Bushman's pipe vine, a South African native plant, spotted at the ...
A female Argiope bruennichi, spotted in Goura stream, near Kypseli village, ...
A Calliptamus grasshopper, wich landed on me, in Paltsi beach, South Pelion, ...
A hot pink wildflower, Silene creticaspecies -Caryophyllaceae family. Spotted ...
Spotted at the parking lot near Adamena stream, Portaria village, Pelion ...
Brave (and hungry) house sparrows, eating our breakfast leftovers at a Taupo ...
A large male Blue-throated Keeled Lizard (Algyroides nigropunctatus), spotted ...
Podarcis muralis ssp. albanica lizards, male and female, spotted at ...
A Speckled Wood butterfly (Pararge aegeria spp. aegeria), a very common brown ...
Α Jersey tiger moth, spotted in Kalloni settlement, Kypseli village, Epirus ...
Spotted on the wall of a central Volos house, in Greece. It had big hairy ...
A very beautiful wildflower, spotted in full bloom near Katarraktis village, ...
A common Epirus wildflower, Campanula hawkinsiana, spotted blooming near ...
A Greek carabus ground beetle, spotted at Pefkakia Archaelogical reserve, Volos ...
A Zabrus spinipes spinipes ground beetle, spotted at the Goritsa Archaeological ...
dozens of Hygroscopic earthstars, spotted all around the Goritsa hill ...
Common dandelions, an endemic herb species, spotted bloomed in Goritsa hill ...
Α Red admiral (Vanessa atalanta) caterpillar, spotted near my house, Nea ...
Bloomed Great Willow herbs, in Epirus region, Greece. The species is a quite ...
A very common Greek wildflower, spotted bloomed in Alykes beach, Volos city, ...
Bloomed pink Mediterranean catchfly plant (Silene colorata), spotted in Alykes ...
Spotted bloomed in the Civic Cultural park of Nea Ionia, Volos city, Greece.
Dozens of Mustha spinosula adult bugs, spotted on the trunk of a cypress, next ...
Bloomed pomegranates in many different colors, spotted in the Civic Cultural ...
A male Hoopoe (Upupa epops), camouflaged between Solanum elaeagnifolium ...
A female wall brown butterfly (Lasiommata megera), spotted while resting on a ...
Gourd Ladybirds spotted on squirting cucumber bloomed plants, Nea Demetrias ...
Α bloomed common Rockrose (Helianthemum nummularium) spotted in Agios ...
Spotted bloomed in the Botanic gardens, Christchurch NZ.
Spotted in Christchurch Botanic Gardens. The species is considered a pest plant ...
Bloomed Everlasting daisies (Helichrysum bellidioides) in their natural ...
Lindheimer's Beeblossom, an American native plant, spotted at the Christchurch ...
Bloomed Yellow meadow rue, a Siberian native wildflower, spotted at the ...
I spotted this moth while I was doing some water hose maintenance, in my veggie ...
Bloomed bicolor annual honesty plants (Lunaria annua subsp. pachyrhiza) a Greek ...
A South African butterfly species, wich established in several Mediterranean ...
Bloomed columbine meadow-rue (Thalictrum aquilegiifolium), spotted at the ...
Α bloomed Tiger flower, a Mexican native, spotted at the Christchurch Botanic ...
Α European Lantern Fly, spotted on an aubergine leaf, in my veggie garden, ...
A Verbena officinalis bloomed plant , a very common Greek wildflower species, ...