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1 3 Crambid moth

Crambid moth

by Subin SKerala, India

2 3 Aethaloessa Crambid Moth

Aethaloessa Crambid Moth

by AgnesAdiqueTalaveraLaguna, Philippines

Black, yellow, and orange moth. 2cm wingspan.

11 6 Crambid Moth

Crambid Moth

by DrNamgyalT.SherpaGangtok, Sikkim, India

2 5 Crambidae Moth

Crambidae Moth

by KennethDGBasilan, Philippines

1 3 Crambidae Moth

Crambidae Moth

by titosigilipoeBanten, Indonesia


1 0 Painted Leaf Roller

Painted Leaf Roller

by DrNamgyalT.Sherpaगान्तोक, Sikkim, India

3 1 Crambidae Moth

Crambidae Moth

by AlbertKangIfugao, Philippines

Crambidae Moth, around 1.5 cm in size.

8 3 Grass Moth

Grass Moth

by folicallychalledJawa Barat, Indonesia

Tiny wasp moth type, 20mm wingspan, possibly less.

0 0 Crambid Moth

Crambid Moth

by VeronicaPrudenteSan Pablo, Laguna, Philippines

Crambidae, Spilomelinae

0 0 Noctuid Moth

Noctuid Moth

by VeronicaPrudenteSan Pablo, Laguna, Philippines

Noctuidae, Bagisarinae

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