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1 1 Tiger Swallowtail butterfly

Tiger Swallowtail butterfly

by kay.roache1Maine, USA

Newly hatched

0 1 Spotting


by BobbyHatchNorth Carolina

Approximate 2"

1 0 Palmedes Swallowtail butterfly

Palmedes Swallowtail butterfly

by Tiffany TerryWarner Robins, Georgia, USA

Newly hatched from cocoon.

0 0 Giant Looper

Giant Looper

by IvanPancicВојводина, Serbia

Freshly hatched

0 1 Monarch


by Valerie14San Diego, California, USA

Monarch butterfly chrysalis about to

1 2 Painted Lady Butterfly

Painted Lady Butterfly

by TeresaBurkeSouth Carolina, USA

9 3 Butterfly eggs

Butterfly eggs

by Jonathan SequeiraHeredia, Costa Rica

Egg of butterfly that just

2 1 Monarch Butterfly

Monarch Butterfly

by lemon.michelleLower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand

This is a newly hatched female

1 0 Spicebush Caterpillars

Spicebush Caterpillars

by AmberLundeenPennsylvania, USA

Hershey Gardens Butterfly House Just

0 0 Monarch Butterfly

Monarch Butterfly

by James A McNairCocoa, Florida, USA

Newly hatched from cocoon

1 0 Monarch Butterfly

Monarch Butterfly

by herezdebNorth Carolina, USA

just after hatching in botanical garden

0 0 Morning cloak butterfly cocoon

Morning cloak butterfly cocoon

by rinwallArizona

The butterfly has

0 0 Monarch butterfly

Monarch butterfly

by QueenaPortland, Maine, USA

This butterfly

3 0 pepe ma (white butterfly)

pepe ma (white butterfly)

by godinc.giWaikato, New Zealand

small, just hatched it can not fly

0 1 Queen butterfly caterpillar

Queen butterfly caterpillar

by AdivaFlorida, USA

Queen caterpillar going into chrysalis stage at 15 days since

0 0 Monarch Butterfly hatching.

Monarch Butterfly hatching.

by LisaETexas, USA

2nd hatching in 2 days. 15 chrysalises on ...

4 5 Gulf frittilary

Gulf frittilary

by batexTennessee, USA

The butterflies had

0 3 Banded Sphinx Moth

Banded Sphinx Moth

by BobbyHatchFlorida, USA

Large moth, about 2" long

0 0 Pupae


by AlbertKangMalaysia

Pupae or Chrysalis of a Butterfly, near to ...

1 3 New born Butterfly

New born Butterfly

by Jonathan SequeiraAlajuela, Costa Rica

About 4.5 cm long, this is just hatching.

3 1 Black Swallowtail

Black Swallowtail

by JulieOwensHarrisonburg, Virginia, USA

Freshly hatched

0 1 Common Mormon Butterfly

Common Mormon Butterfly

by SuchitraPrabhakaranKozhikode, Kerala, India

Yeah... Finally my Chrysalis has hatched ...

0 0 Spotting


by ehuelgaMill Valley, California, USA

Chrysalis, about 5 weeks old, 1 week before

4 7 Butterfly egg

Butterfly egg

by JonathanSequeiraHeredia, Costa Rica

Este es un huevo de maripoza que justo esta abriendose... This is a

5 0 Monarch Crysalis

Monarch Crysalis

by chebeague7Webster, New Hampshire, USA

This monarch Butterfly created a "J" and ...

2 0 Monarch butterfly

Monarch butterfly

by Hema ShahCalifornia, USA

Monarch butterflies begin life as eggs and ...

1 3 Monarch Butterfly

Monarch Butterfly

by jobfosterLower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand

I got these photos of a monarch chrysalis just prior to

2 0 Western Tiger Swallowtail butterfly

Western Tiger Swallowtail butterfly

by rowingedog3Oregon, USA

Has a pair of large wings and a pair of smaller wing between the other pair. ...

1 0 American lady

American lady

by ornithoptera80Watauga, Texas, USA

A medium size red butterfly that has orange ...

8 3 Imperial white butterfly hatching

Imperial white butterfly hatching

by martinlMelbourne, Victoria, Australia

breed these spectacular jezebel

0 0 Gulf Fritillary Butterfly Eggs

Gulf Fritillary Butterfly Eggs

by gatorfellowsDenton, Texas, USA

Small white turning to orange eggs laid here and there on Passion vine, ...

1 0 Monarch Chrysalis

Monarch Chrysalis

by lynne.warrenConnecticut, USA

3rd photo was on Sept. 19... I was out of town the weekend it

5 1 Black Swallowtail male

Black Swallowtail male

by joanbstanleyDenton, Texas, USA

This butterfly had just

1 0 Puss Moth

Puss Moth

by cha2manSheffield, England, United Kingdom

Found these two Moths yesterday, that

0 0 Gulf Fritillary

Gulf Fritillary

by JulieSTexas, USA

Just hatched from egg, then the eggshell ...

23 7 Polka-dot Wasp Moth

Polka-dot Wasp Moth

by JaclynneCainSebastian, Florida, USA

Orange with long black hairs that are used for making it's cocoon. When it ...

0 0 Apefly


by ChiefRedEarthThiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

This butterfly could be newly

1 0 Spotting


by Joseph CHIEF REDEARTHUttarakhand, India

Butterfly eggs from one plantain tree in ...

2 2 Western Giant Swallowtail

Western Giant Swallowtail

by PatrickHuberAnaheim, California, USA

We have seen Giant Swallowtails, but this one is more yellow.

0 1 Queen Butterfly caterpillar

Queen Butterfly caterpillar

by AdivaFlorida, USA

instar shedding, caterpillar hatched on ...

1 1 morpho butterfly, hatching

morpho butterfly, hatching

by KarenSaxtonHeredia, Costa Rica

Bright blue topside and eyed underneath/ This

2 12 Mylitta Crescent

Mylitta Crescent

by Emma Tulare, California, USA

, Cirsium occidentale venustum, but this little

0 0 Monarch butterfly caterpillar

Monarch butterfly caterpillar

by BCHoweTulsa, Oklahoma, USA

After eggs laid in Summer or late spring have

9 4 Monarch Butterfly

Monarch Butterfly

by ShainaSanford, Florida, USA

Watching a monarch chrysalis complete its metamorphosis in our milkweed garden, ...

1 0 Two-tailed Swallowtail

Two-tailed Swallowtail

by dane.a.hepRockland, Idaho, USA

Beautiful butterfly that has recently

0 0 Monarch Butterfly

Monarch Butterfly

by SukerfishOrmond Beach, Florida, USA

Average size butterfly. Orange with black ...

1 2 Large White butterfly pupa (Πιερίς του λαχάνου)

Large White butterfly pupa (Πιερίς του λαχάνου)

by DespinaTsafetopoulouΔήμος Βόλου, Περιφέρεια Θεσσαλίας, Greece

A hatched Large White

0 0 Great Mormon (Female)

Great Mormon (Female)

by tp91395佐世保市, Japan

You won"t be-leave what happened today January 3rd 2013, a Male and Female ...

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