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0 0 Spotting


by KimberlyGreen-BirdSchmehlTexas, USA

Unknown spider

0 0 Spotting


by KimberlyGreen-BirdSchmehlTexas, USA

vine growing up a tree near the lake

0 1 Spotting


by crredwardsTexas, USA

Approximately 2" nose to tail tip. Head tilts like a dogs and swivels.

0 1 Brandi


by KimberlyGreen-BirdSchmehlTexas, USA

German Shorthaired Labrador

2 1 Round-Necked Longhorn Beetle

Round-Necked Longhorn Beetle

by crredwardsTexas, USA

This has tentatively been identified as a round-necked longhorn beetle. ...

1 0 Eastern Giant Swallowtail

Eastern Giant Swallowtail

by KimberlyGreen-BirdSchmehlTexas, USA

Adult giant swallowtails are large butterflies with a forewing span of 4.6 to ...

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