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6 4 Jima Tiger Beetle

Jima Tiger Beetle

by GustavoMorejonProvincia del Azuay, Ecuador

Family : Cicindelidae

3 0 Spotting


by GustavoMorejonProvincia del Azuay, Ecuador

A salticidae spider 7 mm long.

2 0 Spotting


by GustavoMorejonProvincia del Azuay, Ecuador

A 15 cm long flower, belonging to a climbing Passiflora.

2 0 Astylus Beetle

Astylus Beetle

by GustavoMorejonProvincia del Azuay, Ecuador

A Melyridae beetle, probably of the genus Astylus.

4 0 Spotting


by GustavoMorejonProvincia del Azuay, Ecuador

An orchid found at 3430 meters in the paramos of south Ecuador and slopes of ...

1 0 Mute Swan

Mute Swan

by rpsonak3高砂市 (Takasago), Japan

Large Swan with reddish-orange bill and distinctive black knob at the base of ...

1 0 Six Line Wrasse

Six Line Wrasse

by resatkaragozlerNYC, New York, USA

For the Solomon Islands Marine Assessment (Allen 2006) it was considered ...

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