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0 0 Morel


by LindsyRochester, Minnesota, USA

0 0 Morel


by LaurineSpringfield, Illinois, USA

2 0 gewone morielje (nl)

gewone morielje (nl)

by AlexKonigLandgraaf, Limburg, Netherlands

0 2 Black morel

Black morel

by GirinukasUtenos apskritis, Lithuania

Black morel (Morchella conica)

0 0 Yellow Morel

Yellow Morel

by bandhturtlesiteEdwardsville, Illinois, USA

Forrest areas.

2 2 Colmenilla o múrgola

Colmenilla o múrgola

by NúriaHospitalet de Llobregat, Catalunya, Spain

0 4 Morels


by RobertVCunetaOntario, Canada

Flower Pot Island Tobermory

0 0 Yellow Morel

Yellow Morel

by SalocinOhio, USA


2 0 Morel / Morchella

Morel / Morchella

by AmandaChappellAtlanta, Georgia, USA

0 0 Morel


by groosha6Michigan, USA

0 0 Hongo


by eesquivelriosColón, Panama

0 0 Honeycomb fungus

Honeycomb fungus

by VivBraznellจังหวัดนครศรีธรรมราช, Thailand

0 0 Common morel

Common morel

by Sean MyersMaryland, USA

0 0 Blushing Morel

Blushing Morel

by JackGrahamCalifornia, USA

0 0 Yellow Morels

Yellow Morels

by RexFantasticGrand Rapids, Michigan, USA


2 0 Morels


by CandyJ.ShireyAmherst, New Hampshire, USA


0 1 Black Morel

Black Morel

by keizoApples, Vaud, Switzerland

1 0 Yellow Morel

Yellow Morel

by harsuameSantander, Colombia

0 0 Morel


by extremebirderTulsa, Oklahoma, USA

1 1 morel


by TjWilliamsAmarillo, Texas, USA

0 0 Morel


by dylanrkudPlainfield, Illinois, USA

1 0 Half-free Morel

Half-free Morel

by RexFantasticGrand Rapids, Michigan, USA

The only really intact one of several I found near the base of a tree.

1 1 Morel


by PutkovAlexanderVilniaus apskritis, Lithuania

2 0 Käppchenmorchel


by RayJakobBayern, Germany

2 0 Spitzmorchel


by RayJakobBayern, Germany

1 0 Käppchenmorchel


by RayJakobBayern, Germany

1 0 Morel


by brianadiacopoulosMaryland, United States

3 0 Half-Free Morel

Half-Free Morel

by hope.martinColumbia, Missouri, USA

0 4 Commom Morel

Commom Morel

by BradleyBriggsCalifornia, USA

Found these in a stand of trees. Partial sun and the ground was damp.

0 1 Common Morel

Common Morel

by BradleyBriggsCalifornia, USA

Found this in a stand of trees. Partial sun and the ground was damp.

1 1 morel


by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA

we didn't find any mushrooms, but spotted this little girl with a huge morel

1 0 Morel


by pesayoMichigan, USA

"Wrinkled" cap on a white stem

0 0 Black Morel

Black Morel

by brettpim

16cm long, 4 cm wide aged black morel.

3 2 Morel


by RaquelAntunesBraga, Portugal

I found it in my backyard :) ... i hope that genus is correct.

1 0 Yellow Morel

Yellow Morel

by brettpimOttawa, Ontario, Canada

12 cm tall. Cap 8cm tall, 6cm diameter at base

1 0 Yellow morel

Yellow morel

by Meisterheim FamilyWisconsin, USA

Mushroom found in the woods

1 0 Landscape Morel

Landscape Morel

by Tim SageLake Forest Park, Washington, USA

The PNW Landscape Morel. Also known as 'Taxon J' or

1 0 Morel Mushroom

Morel Mushroom

by ccscoutsOhio, USA

Grayish in color, having a honeycomb or sponge like appearance.

2 1 Morrell Mushroom

Morrell Mushroom

by coyoteowlwomanParole, Maryland, USA

Eastern deciduous woodland, USA.

2 0 Morchella esculenta

Morchella esculenta

by HongosSilvestresToluca, México, Mexico

hongo silvestre morchella esculenta ...

1 1 /Múrgola/     català

/Múrgola/ català

by casafontmiquelMontanuy, Aragón, Spain


1 1 Morel mushroom

Morel mushroom

by DRoyalMinnesota, USA

Early season grays.

0 0 Morel


by werdgentWashington, District of Columbia, USA

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