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0 1 Unknown Mushroom

Unknown Mushroom

by birdlady6000Washington, USA

They looked and felt a lot like mahogany wood! About 2 inches across, growing ...

1 1 Winter Chanterelle

Winter Chanterelle

by birdlady6000Washington, USA

Slightly tubular cap, lighter widely spaced gills, cap orangish-brown, stipe ...

1 3 Sitka Mountain-Ash

Sitka Mountain-Ash

by birdlady6000Washington, USA

Historically not eaten by native people but the Nuxalk rubbed the berries on ...

1 0 Sulfur Shelf or Chicken of the Woods

Sulfur Shelf or Chicken of the Woods

by birdlady6000Washington, USA

When fresh the fruitbodies are sooft and fleshy to fibrous, but later become ...

0 0 Russula occidentalis

Russula occidentalis

by birdlady6000Washington, USA

Like many russulas this one causes some confusion. It is medium-sized or ...

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