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2 0 Nymphaea nouchali

Nymphaea nouchali

by LakkanaGalle, දකුණු පළාත, Sri Lanka

Nymphaea nouchali is a water lily of genus ...

9 5 Water Lily - Nymphaea nouchali

Water Lily - Nymphaea nouchali

by ChristianeWestern Australia, Australia

3 4 Star Lotus

Star Lotus

by StéphaneBangkok กรุงเทพมหานคร, Krung Thep, Thailand

3 1 Nymphaea colorata

Nymphaea colorata

by Linnea JoandiSthlm, Stockholms län, Sweden

Swe: "Dvärglotus"

4 2 Water Lily

Water Lily

by JeannetteBlekinge län, Sweden

9 6 Blue Egyptian Water Lily

Blue Egyptian Water Lily

by RonaldLoKota Kinabalu, Malaysia

5 1 witte waterlelie (Nymphaea alba)

witte waterlelie (Nymphaea alba)

by MatthijsZoetermeer, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands

2 1 Nymphaea × daubenyana

Nymphaea × daubenyana

by Linnea JoandiSthlm, Stockholms län, Sweden

Swe: "Kvicklotus"

0 0 White water lily

White water lily

by vanantwerpkDearborn, Michigan, USA

10 0 Water Lily

Water Lily

by Jason AlexanderBandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

1 0 Nymphaea


by Evaldo NascimentoFortaleza, CE, Brazil

9 2 Blue water lily (Purple Lotus)

Blue water lily (Purple Lotus)

by JVMPittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

1 0 Water Lily

Water Lily

by MarikaMartinezToledo, Ohio, USA

0 0 Catocala nymphaea (moth)

Catocala nymphaea (moth)

by ΓιώργοςΣέντηςΣυκιές, Περιφέρεια Κεντρικής Μακεδονίας, Greece

1 1 Pink water lily

Pink water lily

by AdamBTBangkok กรุงเทพมหานคร, Krung Thep, Thailand

Ornamental lake in a suburban park.

1 2 European White Waterlily

European White Waterlily

by MartinUrbanWien, Wien, Austria

Weiße Seerose

2 2 water lily

water lily

by HarumKoh北区 (Kita Ward), 近畿 (Kinki Region), Japan

Kobe Municipal Arboretum (forest park).

2 0 Water Lily

Water Lily

by brodiemaxaSan Francisco, California, USA

Water lily from the San Francisco Arboretum.

0 2 Ninfea


by PeppeSubPalermo, Sicilia, Italy

0 0 Water Rose

Water Rose

by Emma Walnut Creek, California, USA

0 1 nenúfar blanco

nenúfar blanco

by diegobs43Conil de la Frontera, Andalucía, Spain

4 2 Water Lily

Water Lily

by nicojoseleander台北市 (Taipei), 台北市 (Taipei City), Taiwan

2 0 White Lotus

White Lotus

by FoTonyKluisbergen, Vlaanderen, Belgium

3 1 Ninfea


by PeppeSubPalermo, Sicilia, Italy

2 3 Lily


by ctsetanHubballi, Goa, India

local pond.

0 0 water lily

water lily

by U1151994Bhusawal, India

0 0 water lily

water lily

by Lenny2សៀមរាប, Cambodia

3 4 Yellow Waterlily

Yellow Waterlily

by U1151994Bhusawal, India

0 0 Ninfea


by rouge.martolinaKøbenhavn, Denmark

1 1 Water lily

Water lily

by U1151994Bhusawal, India

0 0 Water Lily

Water Lily

by Kya广东, Paracel Islands

3 1 Waterlily


by ChiefRedEarthKerala, India

1 0 Water Lily

Water Lily

by Jonathan HiewSingapore, Singapore

4 0 Nenúfar


by barrela.margaridaCentro, Portugal

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