A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Planta con tallos cubiertos de pequeños espinos.
Mountains, praire. Spotted at 1600m (approx)
Molenbeek, Erps-Kwerps. http://oud.kortenberg.com/kaardebol/molenbeekvallei.htm
Hints of pink and blue on otherwise white petals.
Marsh horsetail fern (Equisetum palustre), ...
Shores, sea-shores, ditches, ponds, springs, waterside meadows which are prone ...
Fields by coastal marshes
Coastal marshes
Lakeside bushes
Marsh thistle bud cracking open to bloom
Coastal marshes
Coastal marshes parkland
Park adjacent to coastal marshes.
Coastal marshes
Coastal marshes
Coastal marshes
Coastal marshes
Coastal marshes
Coastal marshes
Coastal marshes
Coastal marshes
Coastal marshes.
Coastal marshes.
Coastal marshes.
Coastal marshes.
Coastal marshes
Coastal marshes.