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2 0 Perlita, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

Perlita, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

by MikeGragedaSalamanca, Guanajuato, Mexico

1 0 Perlita


by Jorge4Yucatán, Mexico

Es un ave canora muy pequeña, del tamaño de un colibrí (10-12 cm). Vientre ...

0 0 Perlita azul gris, blue-gray gnatcatcher

Perlita azul gris, blue-gray gnatcatcher

by Jorge4Yucatán, Mexico

Azul y negra, como del tamaño de un colibrí Bluish, with white belly, about the ...

0 0 perlita tropical - Tropical Gnatcatcher

perlita tropical - Tropical Gnatcatcher

by EntreAguasColombia

This foto was taken in an area that will be affected by the Quimbo Dam ...

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