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0 0 wood duck

wood duck

by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA

0 0 red pine

red pine

by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA

0 2 forsythia


by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA

university campus

0 0 Spotting


by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA

female and male cones

1 2 Wildlife


by NoorNabilBahrain

Wild life

0 0 blue jay

blue jay

by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA


0 0 American robin

American robin

by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA


0 0 American smoketree

American smoketree

by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA

the National Champion Smoketree at Purdue ...

0 0 pine


by AnnaWhipkeyLafayette, Indiana, USA

pine with distinctive gray and black bark

0 0 oakleaf hydrangea

oakleaf hydrangea

by AnnaWhipkeyWest Lafayette, Indiana, USA

0 0 Spotting


by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA

small fruits borne on a raceme

0 0 white pine

white pine

by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA

university campus

1 2 bagworm moth

bagworm moth

by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA

bagworm moth in the Psychidae

2 0 bagworm moth

bagworm moth

by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA

bagworm moth in the Psychidae

0 0 Kousa dogwood

Kousa dogwood

by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA

university campus

0 0 maple


by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA

winged maple seeds

1 1 Sassafras


by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA

spring flowering tree with yellow flowers

3 1 marsh fly

marsh fly

by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA

roadside next to woods

1 0 compass plant

compass plant

by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA

wildflower garden

0 0 northern cardinal

northern cardinal

by AnnaWhipkeyWest Lafayette, Indiana

male cardinal in locust tree

0 0 eastern chipmunk

eastern chipmunk

by AnnaWhipkeyWest Lafayette, Indiana

hiding behind the fence

0 5 green heron

green heron

by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA

tree at the edge of a pond

0 0 turkey vulture

turkey vulture

by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA

wooded area near a pond

0 0 sycamore in winter

sycamore in winter

by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA

bare branches show mottled, exfoliating bark

0 0 American robin

American robin

by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA

small flock of robins in a wildlife area

0 1 Russula


by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA

in the middle of a path through the woods, conifer and mixed hardwoods

0 0 pawpaw


by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana

pawpaw planting and young fruit

0 2 magnolia


by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA

white flowered magnolia, looks like a double flowered cultivar

0 0 Columnar Sargent Cherry

Columnar Sargent Cherry

by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA

ornamental cherry with columnar growth habit

0 0 crimson spire oak

crimson spire oak

by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA

oak flowers, the greenish yellow catkins are male flowers

0 0 mugo pine 'Valley Cushion'

mugo pine 'Valley Cushion'

by AnnaWhipkeyWest Lafayette, Indiana, USA

dwarf cultivar of mugo pine

1 0 river birch

river birch

by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA

the first photo shows pendulous male catkins

0 0 Eastern redbud

Eastern redbud

by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA

this shows two different cultivars with different flower colors

1 0 Japanese barberry

Japanese barberry

by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA

red barberry cultivar showing yellow flowers and last season's berries

0 0 thornless honey locust

thornless honey locust

by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA

water sprout on the trunk showing new leaves and flowers

0 0 Eastern Sweetshrub

Eastern Sweetshrub

by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA

shrub with dark red flowers, ovate leaves are opposite with smooth edges

0 1 Carolina horsenettle

Carolina horsenettle

by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA

found this wild Solanum in a mowed over area

0 6 lady's thumb

lady's thumb

by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA

syn. Persicaria maculosa

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