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1 0 Dance fly

Dance fly

by bealeidermanVirginia, USA

2 2 Dance Fly

Dance Fly

by beacantorVirginia, USA

4 2 Dance Fly

Dance Fly

by beaker98Illinois, USA

Hennepin Canal habitat on unknown flower bloom.

12 10 Long-Tailed Dance Fly

Long-Tailed Dance Fly

by beaker98Illinois, USA

Information on mating ritual:

2 0 Dance fly

Dance fly

by KarenLFranklin, Tennessee, USA

1/2" long fly sunning itself on a rock in our yard.

0 0 Long-tailed Dance Fly

Long-tailed Dance Fly

by dferrisMichigan, USA

Fly with tiny head and large hind legs.

1 0 Long-Tailed Dance Fly

Long-Tailed Dance Fly

by beaker98Illinois, USA

This is a male. The female is much more impressive with her feathery legs: ...

2 4 (Mating) Dagger Flies

(Mating) Dagger Flies

by CindyBinghamKeiserEscondido, California, USA

Mating black predatory flies with a long, sharp piercing mouthpart which give ...

0 0 Long-tailed Dance Fly

Long-tailed Dance Fly

by Greg ShchepanekOttawa, Ontario, Canada

Black except for red or orange eyes, light-colored underside and coxae, and ...

1 2 Dagger Fly

Dagger Fly

by CindyBinghamKeiserEscondido, California, USA

Black and gray fly with long abdomen and legs and sharp, piercing mouth.

0 0 Dance Fly

Dance Fly

by ForestDragonNew York, USA

Rhamphomyia I think.

2 2 (Mating and Eating) Dagger Flies

(Mating and Eating) Dagger Flies

by CindyBinghamKeiserEscondido, California, USA

These Dagger Flies are mating while the female is eating another type of fly. ...

1 0 Dance Fly

Dance Fly

by ForestDragonHampton Bays, New York, USA

Smaller fly. Large dark wings, dark body and legs. Small head.

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