A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
It was the only plant with flowers the first week of February in this desert ...
inundadas. Salinas de San
spotted on the campus of the University of Costa Rica at
Rolling hills, some agriculture, 3,000'
This one has a very minimal amount of spinage!
Star Cluster also known as commonly known as Egyptian Starcluster
Big Barrel cactus on the outside wall of an abandoned house.
Yellow moth that resembles fallen leaf, about 3 inches (7.5 cm) across.
Small wasps' nest under a ledge in a canyon wall, you can see some larvae
About 4 cm long, yellow with black stripes and shining black wings
Looks like a Monarch butterfly but it isn't.
Fruiting body of a plant with big leaves
About 5 cm long ( 2 inches), tip of antenae red.
Red fungus on a fallen pine trunk
Zorro, vive próximo as Lagunas Meinique e Miscanti - Deserto de Atacama - Chile
Hieraaetus fasciatus was recently changed to Aquila faciata following DNA ...
Estos pericos pude captarlos en el cajón del Maipo.
Una Ceiba joven recien estrenando hojas. Árbol nacional de Guatemala