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2 2 Spiny leaf insect

Spiny leaf insect

by Natalie5Victoria, Australia


0 0 Spiny Leaf Insect

Spiny Leaf Insect

by GaynorMayfieldVictor Harbor, South Australia, Australia

0 0 Spiny leaf insect

Spiny leaf insect

by StephenWhitcherQueensland, Australia

Nymphs look like ants

3 5 spiny leaf insect exuvia

spiny leaf insect exuvia

by martinlMelbourne, Victoria, Australia

This is the empty shell case (exuvia) of the

1 0 Spiny Leaf Insect

Spiny Leaf Insect

by LakesideScottLawrence, Kansas, USA

University of Kansas Natural History Museum, living specimen

46 24 Spiny Leaf Insect

Spiny Leaf Insect

by ScottHarteCardstone, Queensland, Australia

Found this small (5cm) leaf

1 0 Spiny Leaf Insect

Spiny Leaf Insect

by Nicholas4New York, New York, USA

Females are wingless and males have wings.

14 4 Spiny Leaf-Rolling Weevil

Spiny Leaf-Rolling Weevil

by SinobugPuer Shi, Yunnan Sheng, China

Females leaf-rolling weevils protect newly ...

1 2 Texas Spiny Lizard

Texas Spiny Lizard

by gatorfellowsDenton, Texas, USA

mistaken for a horned lizard because of their

0 0 Texas Spiny Lizard

Texas Spiny Lizard

by gatorfellowsDenton, Texas, USA

mistaken for a horned lizard because of their

1 0 Texas Spiny Lizard

Texas Spiny Lizard

by gatorfellowsDenton, Texas, USA

mistaken for a horned lizard because of their

10 11 Hatching spiny leaf insect

Hatching spiny leaf insect

by martinlMelbourne, Victoria, Australia

This tiny stick insect is emerging from its ...

3 5 Spiny Leaf Insect

Spiny Leaf Insect

by Andrea LimCairns, Queensland, Australia

Juvenile leaf

12 7 Spiny Leaf Insect

Spiny Leaf Insect

by ScottHarteQueensland, Australia

Found this little guy during the day in the same tree as the one I found the ...

0 1 Spotting


by ZacLawrieBrisbane, Queensland, Australia

Red centre with spiny

10 7 Spiny leaf insect

Spiny leaf insect

by martinlVictoria, Australia

A young female spiny stick

2 3 Texas Spiny Lizard

Texas Spiny Lizard

by gatorfellowsDenton, Texas, USA

mistaken for a horned lizard because of their

0 0 Texas Spiny Lizard

Texas Spiny Lizard

by gatorfellowsDenton, Texas, USA

mistaken for a horned lizard because of their

0 0 Texas Spiny Lizard

Texas Spiny Lizard

by gatorfellowsDenton, Texas, USA

mistaken for a horned lizard because of their

0 0 Texas Spiny Lizard

Texas Spiny Lizard

by gatorfellowsDenton, Texas, USA

mistaken for a horned lizard because of their

0 0 Texas Spiny Lizard

Texas Spiny Lizard

by gatorfellowsDenton, Texas, USA

mistaken for a horned lizard because of their

40 21 Spiny leaf Insect

Spiny leaf Insect

by martinlVictoria, Australia

A dead leaf. Oh no! Its a stick

0 0 Texas Spiny Lizard

Texas Spiny Lizard

by joanbstanleyTexas, USA

It was sitting about 3 ft. high on a sunflower

1 0 Assassin Bug nymph

Assassin Bug nymph

by ForestDragonNew York, USA

This small, spiny fellow was found creeping ...

1 0 Texas Spiny Lizard

Texas Spiny Lizard

by gatorfellowsDenton, Texas, USA

mistaken for a horned lizard because of their

0 0 Texas Spiny Lizard

Texas Spiny Lizard

by gatorfellowsDenton, Texas, USA

mistaken for a horned lizard because of their

3 4 Spiny leaf insect hatchling

Spiny leaf insect hatchling

by martinlMelbourne, Victoria, Australia

A first instar (hatchling) stick insect ...

5 3 Spiny leaf insect male

Spiny leaf insect male

by martinlVictoria, Australia

Thin, brown, winged phasmid highly mimetic of a dry stick. Images of molting ...

40 28 spiny leaf insect (female)

spiny leaf insect (female)

by S FrazierPapua, Indonesia

There are just two species in the genus Extatosoma. One lives in Australia and ...

0 0 Texas Spiny Lizard

Texas Spiny Lizard

by gatorfellowsDenton, Texas, USA

mistaken for a horned lizard because of their

4 2 Texas Spiny Lizard

Texas Spiny Lizard

by gatorfellowsDenton, Texas, USA

mistaken for a horned lizard because of their

3 4 Texas Spiny Lizard

Texas Spiny Lizard

by gatorfellowsDenton, Texas, USA

mistaken for a horned lizard because of their

21 31 Spiny leaf insect (Macleay's Phasmid)

Spiny leaf insect (Macleay's Phasmid)

by martinlVictoria, Australia

Highly mimetic of dry briar leaves. This female has no wings. This brown ...

1 1 Rhyparida


by manojsshetty3.6ದಕ್ಷಿಣ ಕನ್ನಡ, Karnataka, India

A Spiny Silent Beast on the ...

1 1 Texas Spiny Lizard

Texas Spiny Lizard

by gatorfellowsDenton, Texas, USA

mistaken for a horned lizard because of their

1 1 Texas Spiny Lizard

Texas Spiny Lizard

by gatorfellowsDenton, Texas, USA

mistaken for a horned lizard because of their

0 0 Texas Spiny Lizard

Texas Spiny Lizard

by gatorfellowsDenton, Texas, USA

mistaken for a horned lizard because of their

0 0 Texas Spiny Lizard

Texas Spiny Lizard

by gatorfellowsDenton, Texas, USA

mistaken for a horned lizard because of their

0 0 Texas Spiny Lizard

Texas Spiny Lizard

by gatorfellowsDenton, Texas, USA

mistaken for a horned lizard because of their

0 0 Helmeted Squash Bug

Helmeted Squash Bug

by KeithRoragenNebraska, USA

About 15mm. Black. Hind femurs enlarged and

1 0 Spiny Leaf insect

Spiny Leaf insect

by Benno IboldNordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

Male 12 cm, female 10 cm, lightbrown color

3 0 Leaf Hopper

Leaf Hopper

by JosephBullockAntananarivo, Madagascar

This insect was sitting on a

0 0 Leaf-footed Bug

Leaf-footed Bug

by Phil_SMentor, Ohio, USA

Bugs are distinctive, nearly inch-long stately

0 0 Squash Lady Beetle larva

Squash Lady Beetle larva

by Christine Y.Rhode Island, USA

The insect and its

10 10 Spiny Leaf Insect (male)

Spiny Leaf Insect (male)

by AndreaLimCairns, Queensland, Australia

Large stick insect to 22cms. I lay ...

0 0 Texas Spiny Lizard

Texas Spiny Lizard

by joanbstanleyTexas, USA

The Texas spiny lizard is diurnal and ...

2 0 Texas Spiny Lizard

Texas Spiny Lizard

by joanbstanleyTexas, USA

Grey with black, white, or red-brown blotching down the back. Patterns vary ...

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