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4 2 Uakari Monkey

Uakari Monkey

by AuthDialogPreviewUserManaus, Brazil

Uakari is the common name for the New World ...

20 12 Red Uakari

Red Uakari

by AmazonWorkshopsIndiana, Loreto, Peru

Uakaris are small South American primates ...

18 13 Uakari Monkey

Uakari Monkey

by peterManaus, AM, Brazil

3 foot body covered in long orange fur with a red face.

6 7 Uacari-branco (White Uakari)

Uacari-branco (White Uakari)

by pedromnassarUarini, Amazonas, Brazil

Eats fruits but more seeds. Lives in large groups, sometimes more than 30 ...

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